Our Story
MARCH 2011
Downtown D’Lites Frozen Yogurt Bar and Café was first opened by Larie Hurton and her father, Gary Beasley. They and their families worked long and hard to decorate and furnish this charming little restaurant (which formerly housed Nanny Goats Café) with a downtown theme.
Their original plan of only selling frozen yogurt with toppings soon evolved into a regular lunch menu as well and they added a host of grab-and-go items, which then morphed into made-to-order lunch items such as salads, wraps, and baked potatoes.
At the beginning, the D’Lites staff consisted only of Debbie, Alan, and some of their children. Over the years, seven of the eight VanDoren children have worked at D’Lites on a regular basis, as well as numerous family friends and church friends!
We have been blessed with some wonderful
non-family employees that have become like family as we get to know them. Alan works tirelessly behind the scenes doing all of the accounting, bookkeeping, maintenance, construction projects and much more.
After almost a year of enjoying the business,
Larie realized that during this season of her life she wanted to spend more time at home with her growing family. The two families decided to sell the business, and, much to Debbie’s surprise, her husband Alan suggested that they buy it!
Debbie has always enjoyed planning and cooking for a crowd and the VanDoren family has taken joy in welcoming many people into their home for meals. Now they could combine that love of people and their joy in preparing good food as they worked together to serve the delightful customers of Downtown D’Lites Café!
JUNE 2021
As we celebrated our ninth anniversary, Debbie was the only VanDoren family member working at D’Lites on a daily basis, but local children (and grandchildren!) worked as needed. Our daughter-in-law is one of our regular delivery drivers, and two granddaughters are just starting to work as part of the D’Lites team!
Moves, marriages, and having babies may have changed the family dynamics at Downtown D’Lites, but we have a wonderful staff of caring, friendly, and hardworking young people who have become our “D’Liteful” family here.
We are thankful for the great people God continues to bring across our path.
We are thankful for YOU!
Alan and Debbie, owners, in front of the store in downtown Kilgore, TX